Scratch built Su-57 Build(Jet School)

by Jet School. | May 21, 2019 | (2) Posted in Projects

This was my first scratch built jet,the Su-57. We built this for an Aeromodelling Expo at our college. It took about a week and a half to complete, including the paint job. I dedicate this article to the members of the team who were instrumental in the construction of this mighty jet.

Used 3mm foam board and lots of hot glue.

We started by designing the plans on Adobe illustrator and printing them. only the main parts were planned, like the wings, vertical horizontal stabilizers the rest all were made by trial and error.

Next cut the wing out and made some markings for the spars and the foam we were to sand off at the leading and trailing edges.

Then test fitted the spars and the overall airfoil shape

The completed wing VS Half done

Wings done!

The main wings Vertical and horizontal stabilizers.

Starting the Fuselage.We first cut out the shape of the fuselage, then referred the computer(illustrator) for inlet measurements and angles.This part was a bit challenging.


the square intakes then transform into a curved semicircle.

Front section of the bottom portion of the intake is completed.

Just to give you an idea of how big it is Its wingspan is approximately 900mm and length  1400mm.

Resuming work on the lower fuselage, creating the curved engines.

Working on the middle and the lower nose section of the fuselage.

Commencing construction of the top portion of the fuselage. Adding some formers and stringers for shape and support.

Made the back exhaust shape and the thing between the two engines.

Team working hard

Basic shape of the top surface almost complete

Now applying the skin on the formers, the same 3mm thick foam board is used for the skin.

The cut out for the skin is done by pressing the foam once it is curved on the formers then marked with a pen and cut and glued on.

After the front portion, doing the middle of the fuselage.

Then fixed the elevator such that it has movement.

Now the fuselage is almost done, only wings to connect then spar coverings.

Attaching the wings to the fuselage

The construction finished at 4:00am in the morning 

Paint prep, closing gaps and sanding down irregularities.

Painting work commenced, we used acrylic for the entire jet, as we had to keep the budget low.

Top portion progressing.

Bottom portion.

Almost finished painting.

Now the glass canopy,this also i referred the 3 view of the airplane scaled to the dimensions using illustrator.

Used tape to hold it in place.

Then painted the tape and the edges.

The jet is finally complete after one and a half weeks of immense construction.

Some photos


Fully movable vertical and horizontal stabilizers.

This is the team, and I am proud to say that we won 2nd prize for overall scale model.

MIght make this fly one day and make some plans for the community, been watching nerdnic's Designer series of videos.

Next up an EDF jet on its way,stay tuned for more.


Gryf on May 25, 2019
Amazing work, guys!
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DeltaKilo69 on September 24, 2019
Nice build! Make it fly!
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Scratch built Su-57 Build(Jet School)