Foam Test: Toothpick Glider

by FoamTest | August 9, 2016 | (14) Posted in Just Fun

The toothpick glider is probably one of the easiest, and quickest builds you will ever do. But don't underestimate how entertaining it is by the fast and easy build time, because this thing is a blast! It was definitely one of the best, most rewarding 30 minutes of designing, and of couple hours of "rigorous"/fun testing ever!

The build video

The review video

Here is the most epic picture I could make without a smoke generator and dimmable lighting.

The dimensions of the note card are 3"x5"

To spit up the note card you first want to measure 3.5" from the bottom and make a line.

Then you divide the bigger chunk in to .5" bars and the smaller half into .25" bars.

Final product...

Now all you need to do is to cut along the lines you made and there you have it, wings and tails!

Just in case you are wondering the wing is 3.5" by .5" and the tail is 1.5" by .25".

The toothpicks I used were from Giant Eagle but any toothpicks will work.

The toothpicks I used were approximately 2.5" long and were square.

You can assemble your airforce of flying toothpicks with either hot glue or super glue, I prefer hot glue myself. Also I just went over a basic overview of the cutting out of parts, and the assembly is pretty easy. If you need more exact details watch the build video at the top of the artical.

Have fun and be safe with your new massive airforce, but also remember...

Happy building!


If you'd like to help support me, so I can do more projects like this, and many others, click the link below.

Or you could buy a pack of toothpick gliders!


Flame6332 on August 14, 2016
This flew great, but I used Elmer's craft glue for weight purposes.

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FoamTest on August 14, 2016
That's what I was going to use at first but I didn't have the patience to do so. :)
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dgrayisme on August 14, 2016
I have been building little gliders like this for 30+ years.

Try a q-tip for the fuselage. The blue hollow ones are light and a little longer, also the fuzzy end is safer for your walls and pets.
Hours of fun for the family. Thanks for the post.
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FoamTest on August 14, 2016
Thanks for the idea, I will try that and might add it to the article!
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FoamTest on August 18, 2016
I am surprised how many views this article has! Thank you guys for all of the support!

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Cozmacozmy on August 27, 2016
Going to try this with bamboo skewers as well!
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Air-headed Aviator on August 14, 2016
Complete with build video? You sure your not a a Flite Test subsidiary?
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FoamTest on August 14, 2016
Yes I am sure that I am not, but the review video will be added as soon as I get some more footage!

Happy flying!
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alibopo on August 14, 2016
Does exactly what is says on the box! (Well, not if you read the tooth pick bit - but you know what I mean.) Great work, well explained. :)
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FoamTest on August 14, 2016
Thanks for the positive comment, I hope you have fun with your toothpick glider army!
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KrpSr71 on August 14, 2016
Love these things!

p.s. This is Kyle
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FoamTest on August 14, 2016
Hi Kyle! Glad you liked it.
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Battershell on August 15, 2016
You just made my lunches at work exciting, you Rock!!!!
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FoamTest on August 15, 2016
Thanks! I am probably going to use these for flying indoors at my aviation club I am starting at my school this year.

Happy flying!
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ultrallama7 on September 3, 2016
That's a great idea, I'm trying to start an aviation club at my school as well. I'm gonna try it.
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FoamTest on September 12, 2016
I tried this year but some insurance mishaps came up, and the club will be starting at the beginning of the next school year.
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Foam Test: Toothpick Glider